Eggplant Parmesan Lasagna

I made this lasagna for a group of friends while we were out skiing at Crested Butte last week, and I’ve been asked to write it up, so here we are.

You could substitute chicken for eggplant if you prefer, but I think that eggplant is better.

I’m the first to admit that this is not one of the high-effort from-scratch recipes that I generally prefer, but it’s just too darn easy and tasty.

This recipe is very loosely based on a one that I found online.

Yield: a heaping 8"x12" pyrex baking dish

A baking dish containing a beautiful lasagna. A large piece has been cut out, and its place is a metal spatula.


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Farenheit

1. Prepare eggplant

2. Bread and Fry Eggplant

3. Grate Cheeses

4. Prepare Ricotta

5. Assemble

6. Bake